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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Lame leg that delivers to heaven

Figures from Bani Salamah four sons who all the young boys to be ready to welcome the bold call for jihad in one of the Prophet Muhammad. He was disappointed not to make mistakes limp legs fail to achieve glory as the AHL-ul-Badr. This may not be the battle of Badr because it does not pass the selection of the Prophet Muhammad. He saw rukhsoh provide them with disabilities to participate left the war, and could be replaced by other family members, such a nice child or a parent or loved one who can lift carry army supplies of war. Although the preparation and maturity to have everything in place to carry out 313 others in the field of Badr, but what can I say that the Prophet Muhammad forbade him to come out of Medina. And it must be in accordance with the Prophet Muhammad. but they are the children of young men who participated in the great victory of Badr the Muslims. It is the parents' Amr bin Jamuh limp raSimilarly, other Badr Uhud other. Since no part in the battle of Badr. A grief attacks always get Jamuh ibn Amr, he was determined to achieve martyrdom in Jihad. It will seduce the Prophet Muhammad by all means and efforts to be allowed to go to war when you've reached this appeal.Is now come to blow the smell of Uhud and served berperangpun syurga attractive to Muslims. Amr bin Jamuh ra the Prophet went to see then asked to be allowed to engage in war, he says "Messenger of God, is to involve my kids will stop me from going to war with you. By Allah, I will expect me to take kepincanganku Paradise" ·Due to strong demand, the Prophet gave him permission to participate. Then take his gun tools, and with hearts overwhelmed by a sense of satisfaction and joy, he walked on tiptoe. Then let us listen to their prayers are very well known as one of the expert terrain martyrs of Uhud, he prayed "Lord, grant me the opportunity to meet martyrdom, and I can go back to my family!"God decides all human affairs. Similarly, before the two arms together at the bottom of the hill of Uhud. Fierce war raged. Add more hot sun sweat and fatigue between the two arms. Forces continue to push back the Muslim forces before finally winning Quraysh cavalry were surprised by Khalid ibn Walid, had not yet entered Mount Uhud Islam managed to master the most strategic place to attack the enemy with arrows. Troops struggle of Muslims lost my rhythm so that it can push back.This does not make Amr ibn Jamuh with four sons shrinking courage, they came forward with his sword cut on the arm and forces the caller to avoid mistakes.In the midst of battle frenzy that Amr jumped up, grabbed the sword and jump only when the leaders decided the idolaters. He continued with the stroke of a sword on the left to right off the right hand, turned, as if the arrival of Angel with merrgharapkan immediately accompany and escort to syurga.In fact, he appeals to God to become martyrs and to believe that God will grant it. And he lost the entire length with a lame leg tiptoe in heaven, that heaven is the same expert to know that the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad knew how to choose and also how to educate and humans forgery.And what is he waiting for to come, blow menghantarkannya swords flashed the most beautiful place during the time he dreamed of. The blow was so hard he could not get up again and continue to fight because he will now proceed to syurga.And when Muslims buried the martyrs, the Prophet Muhammad instructed Muslims about what to do with the body of Amr ibn Jamuh See ", kuburkanlah corpse Amr bin Abdullah bin Amr bin Haram and Jamuh in one tomb, as though living of its citizens are loyal and devoted companions along "Such a beautiful life Jamuh Amr bin. With a lame leg, he had reached the peak of pleasure in the garden park syurga .. sure you are all interested

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